The events China experienced throughout the late 20th century, following World War II, prove beneficial to some and devastating to others. Read this blog to discover the reactions many different post war Chinese citizens had to events and rulers that played a major role in decolonizing post-war china.

Peoples Republic of China 中國人民共和國 October 9th 1949

In this entry, Mao speaks of his excitement and the bright future of the Peoples Republic Of China. Mao expresses his views on socialism/Marxism and his ideas on an ideal society. Through this entry, Mao expresses his interest in industrializing and his faith in the Chinese ability to do so. Mao's strongly expresses the need to stay united, overthrow foreign influence and create a national identity.

I officially defeated the “Nationalists” in a lengthy civil war by 1949. “Such great nationwide popular unity has been achieved because we have vanquished the Kuomintang reactionary government, which was aided by American Imperialism. In this course of little more than three years, the heroic Chinese People’s Liberation Army, an army such as the world has seldom seen, crushed the offensives of the several million troops of the American-supported Kuomintang reactionary government, thereby enabling us to swing over to the counter offensive…” It was with this newborn confidence and self pride that my country and I established the Peoples Republic of China on October 1, 1949. This marked the start of, in my eyes, the most profound and greatest reign of power in all of history.
As the leader of the Peoples Republic of China, I will lead China to an age of great prosperity and freedom."Henceforth, our nation will enter the large family of peace-loving and freedom-loving nations of the world. It will work bravely and industrially to create its own civilization and happiness, and will, at the same time, promote world peace and freedom. Our nation will never again be an insulted nation. We have stood up. Our revolution has gained sympathy and acclamation of the broad masses throughout the world." As the leader of this new China, I will make China prosper in unity, the proletariat will find new power, while the bourgeois will still benefit and respect me for I will hold the peace and the freedom I promise.
My revolution is both communist and nationalist. I seek the liberation of peasants from landlords. I also seek liberation for the country, as a whole, from foreign oppression so that we may build up together our own Chinese culture. Through my reign I will emphasize socialism, peace, unity and industrial prosperity.
We have a population of 475 million people and China has a national territory of 9,597 million square kilometers. Both of these factors are in our favor regarding industrialization and modernizing. In this vast space we will build massive factories which our massive population can all contribute to. These factories will be beneficial and enable China to earn itself a place in the global economy without surrendering itself to foreign oppression. My first step as the proud ruler of the Peoples Republic of China will be in the best interests of rapid industrialization.
I unite myself with the firm belief that although it is inevitable that China will face some hardships, these difficulties will be surmounted by the heroic struggle of all people in our country. China has had ample amounts of experience with encountering and overcoming hardships, seemingly too many for one country to endure. But, we have endured them and now we must prove to the oppressive foreigners that we can revive China from its once-vulnerable state and transform it into a flourishing part of the global economy. If we as a whole can unite together and defeat the powerful domestic and foreign reactionaries, I see no reason why we cannot build up a massive, prosperous and flourishing country. Under my reign, I strive for victory!
I must admit that I do find myself in states of admiration over the Soviet’s ruler, Stalin, and at times my actions may mirror those of his actions. As ruler of China’s newest and soon to be most prosperous reign, I will shift the current political and economical standings of China to that of a much more Stalinist, political-economic stance. My seemingly accepted concept of new democracy, in which I will arrange for representation of the petty and national bourgeoisie as well as the working class in the national legislative forum, will be put into action.
I hope to establish foundations of a socialist state under the dictatorship of the proletariat class while still holding onto the support of the bourgeois, although this will require great selflessness for them as they will be required to surrender some land and property to the deserving proletariat class.
I will not only lead a time of stability and prosperity, yet I also will execute a time dynamic change in which “balance is relative, imbalance, absolute.” My objectives are to recover China from the war damages and also to destroy the foundations of the half-feudal, half-bourgeois system and finally establish a modern, complete, socialist reign. My main ideals are socialization by means of production, involving the collectivization of agriculture of private industry, and the reshaping of the primary group, the working class. I will use China’s vast population and land to my advantage to industrialize China and create a much more modern society. Under my reign I hope to free China from all foreign oppression and create a unique Chinese national identity with no foreign influence. I will restore peace and unity to China and I will make China into a well-respected attribute to the world.

Mao Zedong
